My little girl Jayanne is my life. I love that I get to stay home with her. She is learning so much. Her words are really starting to come now. There are times that I think she knows the word but has way to much fun watching mommy and daddy trying to figure out what in the world she is saying. Its been so fun to watch her grow up. Sometimes it is hard to believe that she will be 2 next month. She loves to climb on everything. Lucky for me she can climb up on our bed. So instead of her just calling my name when she wakes up she just comes and sits on me. Today I woke up with her on my bed playing with her bath toys. She saw that I was awake, said "Hi mommy" and went on playing. It was pretty funny. Her are just a few pictures of her throughout the years.
Yeah, I love it!!! MORE POSTS PLEASE!!!