Monday, June 20, 2011

Pizza Party Picnic

So this past weekend my little sister Emily came down from Camp Barlett so we all got together and had a pizza party picnic at my moms house. It was really fun. All of the little cousins had fun eating outside and playing together. It was fun to see Emily again even if it was only for a few hours before she had to go back up to camp.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Saturday Projects

So this past Saturday we had a lot of projects that needed to get done.
We fixed the fence so it was no longer falling into the neighbors yard which I am sure they are excited about.
Brian and his dad Duane started to build my flower box in the backyard, which I am excited about.
And best of all Jayanne helped me paint the fence.

25th Birthday

So I turned 25 at the beginning of June and i'm not gonna lie, I feel old. And I know that i'm not old but I feel old. Not only because I am a quarter of a century old but because it means that Jayanne will be 2 in a few weeks and that I don't think I can handle. I love that she is getting older but seriously I want her to stay just how she is. But despite me feeling old it was a pretty good birthday. I had a lot of fun just spending time with both my families and just enjoyed being together. Thanks to all of them for the birthday wishes and presents.
This is me and Emily celebrating my birthday the day before she left to work at Camp Barlett. It was technically supposed to be a goodbye party for her but it turned into more of a birthday party for me.