Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was quite the day for me. Mainly because I woke up and the head cold that I had been dealing with for a week was back full force. Which basically sucked. So we ended up not going to church which was sad because we were really looking forward to it but I couldn't stop coughing. And no one likes to sit next to or listen to the girl who can't stop coughing through church. Anyways, we got Jayanne up and we did present time and talked to her a bit about Jesus and why we celebrate Christmas. I don't think she really cared at that point because she could see her little play kitchen and that is probably cooler to a 2 year old. Anyways, she loved her presents. Her favorite is a toss-up between the play kitchen and the puzzle set my mom gave her.
After presents I had kinda gotten things under control with the help of my medicine so we went over to Brian's parents house for brunch with his family and the present exchange. It was very relaxing. I think the best part was watching Michael and Mckenzie try to figure out if the trip to Disneyland the next day was a serious thing or a joke. Grandma and Grandpa Gave us a trip to Disneyland for Christmas and we kept it a secret from the kids and it was fun to watch them go on the hunt to figure out what the present was. After that we went over to my parents to say hi and spend a few minutes with them on Christmas. We then rushed home so we could start making food for the dinner at Great Grandma Satterlee's house with all of Brian's family and a special appearance of Great Grandma Singleton. It was a great way to end Christmas day.

Christmas Eve

So I don't have any pictures showing what we did Christmas Eve so you will just have to read about it. So Christmas Eve is usually the day that we have a party with my family. This year was especially nice because its the first Christmas that we have had with the entire family home now that Allen is home from his mission. So we all got together at my mom's house and had our little party. We first read the Christmas story and sang Christmas songs since dinner was not quite ready yet. My daddy read the Christmas story while my mom had all the grandkids put together the manager scene as it was read. We then sang, which is no way unusual with my family. We sang at everything. Anyways, we always sing my favorite Christmas song. Its probably safe to say that its almost my entire families favorite Christmas song. Its called Star of Bethlehem. If you have not heard it you really should. Its a beautiful song. We have been singing it for years it seems like ever since the Christmas program for our ward where we first sang it. But its such an amazing song with such a wonderful message. So really, find it and listen to it. You won't be sorry. Anyways, after that we had dinner. We had breakfast casserole. We usually have that for Christmas breakfast but where we all had church we opted to skip Christmas breakfast and just have it for dinner the night before. It was delicious as always. We then did the gift exchange which is always fun. After the party we came home and we did our own little thing with Jayanne. We read her "Twas The Night Before Christmas" and the Christmas story again. It was a great night.