Friday, May 3, 2013

Cousin Sleepover

A couple weeks ago we all headed up to my sister Sheri's house for a cousin sleepover. Since its a hour and half drive we all stayed up there so it was like just a huge family get together. My parents even came up and Allen with girl Cami and Emily and Jaden put in an appearance. Anywho- Jayanne was very excited to go to Ben's house and sleep there too. We were all pleasantly surprised when the kids fell asleep around 10:30. The adults got a game of Killer Bunnies in while the kids fell asleep to Toy Story. It was a nice weekend for the most part. Brian wasn't able to come up so it was just me and the kids which isn't a big deal. But Jackson woke up at like 1:30 and didn't fall back to sleep until around 3:30. Then Jayanne woke up at 6 and started crying so then I had to calm her down before she woke up anyone else. Luckily she fell back to sleep and sleep for about another hour and a half. So needless to say I was extremely tired on the way back but I was glad that we went up. Jayanne loves to spend time with her cousins.
Ready for bed

Signature cheesy smile

All the cousins minus Jackson and Adilyn who got to sleep in cribs.

So Jackson just laid there on the kitchen floor just like this with Adilyn's bear for like 30 minutes. Just laid there. Just content as can be.

1 comment:

  1. I still think that picture of Jackson is so funny! That was awesome! The kids still talk about when everyone came to sleep here! We should do stuff like this more often.
