Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Allen Stephens Family Reunion

So this weekend was The Allen Stephens Family Reunion. For this reunion we all got together at my grandparents house and got some much needed projocts done. We fixed the fence, cleaned out the garage, cleaned and organized the shed, and got started on building a ramp for grandpa's wheelchair to go down so he didn't have climb steps anymore and grandma didn't have to haul his wheelchair up and down the steps. We also planted a Memory Garden for grandma. We all brought flowers represented everyone and planted them with our names by them so grandma could have flowers from each of us and remember who they came from. It was pretty neat. But the COOLEST thing about this reunion was the fact that me and my little sister Emily totally cut down a tree and then dug up the root ball. Yep that's right, a whole tree. It was pretty cool.
So this is the tree that we dug up. It might not be like a huge tree but its definitely a tree.
This is a picture of the stump that was left after we chopped all the branches off. We were pretty excited at that point. We did have one injury during the cutting of the tree though. I did have a branch fall down on my head after I sawed it off. But I was excited than anything to have a casualty of war.
And this is clearly the stump of the tree that we pulled out. We were super stoked at this point because no one thought that we could really do it. But we showed them.

All in all we had a really good time. While I took care of the tree, Brian fixed the fence and Jayanne played with her cousins. She had alot of fun.
They played with sidewalk chalk. In this picture they are stomping on the picture of a bee my cousin Marin drew.
In this one she is helping my Aunt Kristy sort all of grandpa's wrenches.
She had alot of fun with Aunt Emily and cousin Ben playing with rolly polly bugs.
Her and Brooklyn were very excited to get their very own popsicles.
This is just Emily being Emily.
And to end this post, this is a HUGE worm I found when we were digging of the roots of the tree. I took a picture because it had been so long since I had seen a worm that big. Grandma and Grandpa apparently have amazing soil because we saw quite a few big ones. Anyways, we a great time with the family and were glad to be able to help out at grandma and grandpas house.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good time wasn't it???
    Oh, and I won't tell anyone that Dad helped with the tree thing.... :)
