Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yellowstone- Day 5

So this was leaving day. It was kinda crazy getting everything all packed up and back in the truck. It was an absolutely amazing trip. It was so good to just spend time with Brian's family and to relax and not have a care in the world really. I loved seeing Jayanne's face light up everytime she saw something that was exciting to her and most of the time that was just the water she could see out the truck window as we drove places. I loved spending time with Brian and just being with him without having to worry about his job or anything. It was such a wonderful trip. I was sad I didn't get to see my moose but it was still totally fun. I didn't want to leave. In Jayanne's words, "No home!" Thanks to Brian's family for such a wonderful trip!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not so sure that there are actually moose in Yellowstone...sounds like a bunch of boloney to me!!!
    At least you still had fun!
